Window creation and Customization

Window creation

For setup, check setup page from first chapter. To create a window in Blue Engine, first initialize the engine:

fn main() {
let mut engine = Engine::new(WindowDescriptor::default()).expect("Couldn't init the Engine"); 

This will initalize the engine, and making components ready for use. The engine by itself can't do anything, you'll need to start the update loop for things to happen:

fn main() {
engine.update_loop(move |_, _, _, _, _, _| {}, vec![]).expect("Error during update loop");

The update_loop function takes in a closure, that it'll be run every frame. Try running it and you should see a blank window:

cargo run

This means everything is working. We will draw things in it later on, for now let's try changing the window a bit.

The default window has a small size, and a default title. Let's say we want to change it from 800x600 to 1280x720 and change title to My Awesome Render. There are two ways to accomplish this.

Customize at start with WindowDescriptor

At the start, we declared a default WindowDescriptor, we can define our desired customization there to reflect it globally. To do this, simple define the width, height, and title fields in the WindowDescriptor:

fn main() {
WindowDescriptor {
    width: 1280,
    height: 720,
    title: "My Awesome Render",
    ..Default::default() // To keep other details to default values

Customize later on the runtime

During runtime, these options are available too! These settings can be accessed through window property of the Engine struct. Before update_loop simple use engine.window., or during update_loop the window is exposed to the loop directly, and then type the setting you want, e.g. set_inner_size method for size. For our case, we can do this:

fn main() {
engine.window.set_inner_size(PhysicalSize::new(1280, 720));
engine.window.set_title("My Awesome Render");

Notice that we use set_ before every option method, and we use PhysicalSize for size. There is also LogicalSize which you can use.